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Hotel near Villa Borghese Rome 4
Hotel near Villa Borghese Rome 5
Hotel near Villa Borghese Rome 6

Hotel near Villa Borghese Rome

Hotel Lord Byron is close to Villa Borghese in Rome.

The capital's great city park is just 850 meters away and can be easily reached on foot.

It is open daily from dawn to dusk, covers 80 hectares, and was opened in 1903.

It includes important buildings: Aranciera, Casale Cenci-Gustiniani, Casino del Graziano, Casina delle Rose - Casa del Cinema, Casina del Lago, Casina dell'Orologio, Casino known as Raphael's, Casino Nobile, Fortezzuola, Galoppatoio, Meridiana, Uccelliera, Silvano Toti Globe Theatre, Cinema dei Piccoli, Casina Valadier, Villa Lubin, Casino degli Uffizi.

5-star hotel near Villa Borghese in Rome

The Villa is rich in facilities for leisure, play and cultural dissemination.

These include the Museo Canonica; the Casino di Raffaello with a children's playroom; the Casina delle Rose with the Casa del Cinema; the Aranciera, which houses the Carlo Bilotti Museum with contemporary artworks; and the Globe Theatre with Shakespearean programming.

Inside are sculptures, buildings, monuments and fountains interspersed with ancient trees, Italian gardens, and ponds.

There we find numerous evergreen species such as holm oaks, plane trees, domestic pines, firs and cedars, shrubs such as laurel and boxwood

The Gardens of the Lake, Piazzale Scipione Borghese, Segreti, Valle Giulia, Daini and Valle dei Platani allow you to admire animals such as peregrine falcon, kestrel, brown kite, gray crow, jackdaw, chaffinch, blackbird, herring gull, mallard, cormorant, moorhen, perch and carp.

Luxury hotels near Villa Borghese in Rome

Also particularly important are the museums within Villa Borghese:

Choose a hotel near Villa Borghese in Rome.

Book at the 5-star Hotel Lord Byron.